Friday, July 19, 2019 from 2pm – 4pm.


Bird Photography for Print Competition

Join in the fun as we cover the basics of Bird Photography, and how to prep those images for PPA Print Competition. Louisiana is a major migratory route for birds in both the Spring and Fall.  Take advantage of those unique opportunities to capture amazing images right here in your own state.  We’ll learn how to use preparation, gear, and camera settings to capture those images. Then it’s time for the magic fairy dust..aka..lightroom and photoshop.  We’ll analyze several Loan images and walk through the psd files, learning how they were transformed from solid imagery into something special.


Aileen Harding is a Master, Craftsman and CPP.  She began Print Competition in 2012 and earned her Masters Degree in 3 years. She attended the Judges Workshop in 2015 to learn how to better serve her Guild by helping with the judging process. With 12 Loan images to date, and as a 2019 Elite Member of PPA, she believes that Print Competition is an incredible opportunity for image makers to continue to grow and improve their photographic and visionary skills.  And besides, it’s just plain fun!

Aileen closed her studio of 12 years in 2018 but isn’t about to put down her camera!  She continues to photograph Fine Art and participates in Juried Fine Art Shows as well as Houston’s Biennual International FotoFest. “When I look through the lens of the camera, I see so much more.  Becoming aware of the light, the composition, and the tone of the world around me from a photographer’s point of view has opened up a world of beauty and possibility that thrills me.  I can’t imagine ever putting my camera away…”